Thanks to the invention of Bitcoin, in 2009 a new asset class emerged, later called the crypto currency. Built with blockbuster technology, this digital currency promises to revolutionize the economy, because the nature of decentralization, security and fast transaction processing is a significant improvement to the traditional financial system. Awareness of potential investment has led to rapid growth of crypto-currency markets. In June 2017, the world exchanged over 700 crypto-currencies with a market capitalization exceeding $ 100 billion dollars.
Unfortunately, investment opportunities are very limited for the general public and experienced investors. Ironically, this is contrary to the ideals of blockchain, as a force for decentralization and democratization. Ordinary investors who want to invest in crypto currency face problems such as complexity, fragmentation, lack of market analysts and quality security risks. Jincor is designed to address the above issues, which allow ordinary people to do business to participate in this revolution without good technical knowledge.
What is Jincor?
The Wallet API, future apps and Jincor exchanges planned will provide an additional source of profits. As more users use the Jincor protocol and the tools mentioned above, the ecosystem will grow, and therefore the transaction volume in the system will grow. The transaction revenue model has proven its effectiveness in the financial services industry. For example, Ecommerce revenue commissions exceed $ 400 million per year. The support of millions of transactions through a token intelligent COIN contract will result in the benefits of Jincor, the token owner for the entire community.
Jincor is a safe and regulatory and windy platform, enabling every business to work with smart contracts and easy crypto payments without legal, technical or operational complications and at a cost efficient.
Crowdsale Fund will be exploited to continue its product development and drive the company’s mission:
Creating a decentralized tool for the world comfortably, safely, and with security investments and using cryptocurrency.
Frustrated by the complexity, fragmentation, and quality of cryptococcal investment options available in the market, Jincor is determined to democratize cryptocurrency by creating tools to:
Provides a mechanism for consumers to make unlimited, safe and secure investments and use cryptocurrency.
Empower anyone to create investment vehicles for private cryptonized asset index curated using one platform, one wallet, and one coin.
Jincor is a healthy, safe, obedient and windy person to use platforms based on Jincor Private Blockchain, which allows companies to work with smart contracts and cryptocurrency easy payment without legal, technical or operational and cost-effective complications way.
This will let the company use all the benefits of blockchain-based technology without having to develop and apply them on their own. With Jincor, managers and employees will be able to transact cryptococcal transactions in various Blockchains in a transparent and transparent manner meet all compliance requirements, and make contact with the company made a smart contract, to write to a personal blockchain based on Hyperledger technology.
The core of its product portfolio is the Jincor protocol: The blockchain protocol that determines the investment transaction between the user and the Coinvest smart contract. Proponents of the protocol are Jincor. The Jincor Platform empowers anyone to invest and do business virtually on individual assets or curated index of cryptonized assets through a single coin. To do so, users create virtual portfolios and trade their favorite cryptocurrency using market buy, buy limit, sell, and short order. Orders are made with COIN token sent and held in escrow by Jincor smart contract.
Jincor Platform and smart contracts record all your business investment data including assets, distribution and more. After running a sell order, the smart contract releases investment funds and profits back to Jincor. Users can then use cryptocurrency directly from Jincor using Jincor’s wallet or debit account. All transactions and digital funds will be handled automatically with open source computer code and never been touched or managed by any third party.
Jinor creates a future where users have one platform, one wallet, and one token (COIN), which lets one create a digital investment portfolio to invest in a lot of crypto. Thereby reducing the costs, risks, and complexities associated with crypto investment in centralized exchange or investment funds. Third party centralization often required in the case of traditional investment use is replaced by smart contracts acting as an autonomous agent and programatically compensates all users, investors and owners throughout the Jincor ecosystem.
Vision Jincor
The goal is for companies to enjoy smart contracts. Developers around the world can develop a personal blockchain with Jincor. All organizations can be independent without spending much money. You can keep your payroll system in it. Anyone can create their profile on the Jincor blockchain. It is possible to create a custom smart contract. You can register companies, add employees and interact with other companies. You can make unlimited use of smart constructive contracts. The team behind Jincor includes smart markets, ninja lawyers, entrepreneurs and more. They come from all aspects of life, so know the needs of the average entrepreneur.
About Jincor
Jincor is the world’s leading decentralized stock market for cryptocurrency. Jincor empowers anyone to invest in a virtual individual or a curated index. The mission of the company is to create a decentralized tool in order to run smoothly, safely, and comfortably in investing and using cryptocurrency. For more information on Jincor and COIN token, please visit:
Kurangnya kepercayaan telah menyebabkan banyak masalah yang mengganggu olahraga dan telah berpengaruh ke peserta, termasuk karyawan industri dan olahragawan olahraga, menjauhkan diri dari ekosistem olahraga. Bahaya yang melekat ini telah membalikkan sistem nilai inti di mana olahraga, pengalaman, dan industrinya harus di lenyapkan. Industri olahraga secara global diakui sebagai industri yang paling hidup di abad ke-21, serta sangat cair, berpotongan, berjalan, dan memiliki potensi besar. Selama dekade terakhir, industri olahraga global tumbuh rata-rata 5% per tahun, lebih tinggi dari pertumbuhan PDB global, yang diukur 2,5% per tahun dan diprediksi menjadi salah satu dari empat industri utama dunia. Dari perspektif global, di daerah-daerah di mana olahraga kuat: Amerika Utara, Eropa Barat, dan Jepang dan Korea, industri ini telah berkembang ke skala tertentu dan telah menjadi industri pilar. Industri jasa olahraga terletak di jantung industri olahraga. Terutama me...
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Halo tout le monde aujourd'hui, je vais passer en revue à propos de la plate-forme QURREX, donc c'est tout Aujourd'hui, dans la crypto-économie en expansion, une situation paradoxale s'est développée. D'une part, une hégémonie totale des échanges centralisés a été établie, avec un minimum de fonctionnalité et de service client de base - une position seulement renforcée par la croissance du volume de commerce de crypto-monnaie et de capitalisation. Lorsqu'un client moyen choisit des marchés de crypto-monnaie, il prête attention à la sécurité et à la transparence, mais avant tout à la liquidité. La liquidité n'est pas une vertu en soi. La liquidité dépend de la capacité de négociation marginale, le transfert d'argent fiat, fournissant une interface utilisateur conviviale. Alors qu'est-ce que QURREX? Écosystème QURREX La plate-forme de négociation multifonctionnelle Qurrex est un système hybride composé de: • un nœud centralisé...
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