DEBITUM — Network Solutions-Debitum lend money is all about trust and lift gear such as collateral, the reputation of measurable, and fear of punishment. Born in communities that are already established, we take cultural trust businesses for granted; We rarely doubt their fundamentals and quantitative measurement of frictional costs of handlingbusiness. However, to address the gaps in global credit-most of us have to operate in countries where young business trust not granted. By using a trust-based Network solution blockchain Debitum ensure the trust needed for all partners, particularly investors, to operate within the ecosystem.
To consider the relationship of the borrower and the borrower are complex, let another step
and see how other cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin can be changed and simplified the retailers consumer interaction. To be able to easily pay in all the stores, consumers go to market means of payment, where they have a choice of VISA or Mastercard narrow which is basically the same.
Retailers have more choice of Ingenico, Verifone, and several others but, since there are interchange Fees limit, the variations seem not to allow them to avoid high costs. Put the currency and monetary dimension to the side.
For the moment, when the Bitcoin, decentralized means of payment, sign in, theoretically allows consumers and retailers to interact without intermediaries, using free open source tool. However, in practice, there is an ‘ operator ‘ like the Bitcoin wallet software or provider side chains that make life much easier without charge like monopoly charges.
Better, Faster, stronger and smarter
The network was designed to unite the Debitum borrowers and those who help them apply it: investors (lenders), risk assessment, document validator, insurance companies, etc. The company or individual professionals who work in the alternative financing can be connected to the network for free and immediately begin to facilitate cross-border transactions.

-Currently Fernando does not have money for the growth of international business, he sells all of its production with cheap enough price to Alex, a middleman who takes care of the development of business in the Netherlands and logistics.
-Fernando find Debitum Network and applying a loan amounting to 20,000 USD with an interest rate of 12%, giving the production in Keflavík as a guarantee.
-Many investors from the United States and Europe decide to finance Fernando and give him a loan of 20 ‘ 000 USD.
-Fernando was pleased to see his business grow because he has more money. As Fernando managed to build its operations in the Netherlands with the help of his friend Sarah, investors paid back his loan.
  1. Your profits grow along with Debitum Network
We use your contribution to fully launch our solution in many markets. Everyone who has spare money can join the Network and provide loans to Debitum Fernando orother companies. Because Network Debitum grows around the world, with the number of token DEB are very limited in the market, the value of the token is retrieved can be increased by approximately 10 x times.
Why Investors Are Targeting As Top ICO
  1. We can start fast and fast-growing.
We’re experts in financing decentralized alternatives. There are networks of individual investors and a fully functional international funds, plus the funding requests from SMES, which have been waiting for. We just need to fuel it.
  1. Debitum (DEB) — this is sustainable.
Token Debitum will trigger each transaction in Debitum Network. Thus, it becomes an ongoing crypto that will grow in value over time because the system eko Debitumis becoming increasingly widespread.
  1. We have developed a functional MVP.
Full Blockchain infrastructure running on the ETH real financing demand from SMES.
Sale Token
Name: Debitum (DEB) Supply: 400 million tokens.
Hard cap: 24,000 ether (ETH)
A round (round of community)
A round begins on December 7, 2017 at 15:00 GMT
A round ended 21. December 21, 2017 at 15.00 GMT
Results collected 1.2 million USD
Round B
Round B will begin on January 25, 2018 at 15.00 GMT
The final round B Feb. 25, 2018 at 15.00 GMT
Wrap Round b: 20,000 ether (ETH)
Such glimpses of the elaboration of DEBIUM, how do you think Inovativ instead? therefore do not be vain neglect this opportunity join us for Round B starting January 25, 2018 at 15.00 GMT
Leadership Team
Advisory board
Detail Information :


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